Sabtu, 05 Juni 2010

i want to know what love is

ok,, today i'm so tired lol

guw maw nulis ap ya ???
bingung. pdahal hri ini banyak cerita nh....

oia mulai dri photo guw aj :p

what do u think readers ?

mungkin mulai tanggal ini sampe tanggal 28 juni guw gk posting dlu karna banyak banget urusan :D, kea ngurusin buat nnti pensi, pusing guw jdi panitia, ad UAS jga nnti tanggal 10, dan tanggal 18 guw persami, tanggal 19-25 ad acara remed" segala, abis itu tgl 26 pensi'a, tanggal 28 guw pergi ke bogor sama "anggota kir" love u so much guys.....

and i have pics of them...

dede, ageng, rahman
dede lg blajar catwalk. lol
who's that boy ??? mmm check this out
yeah that boy is HELMY SETIAWAN lol, dan ini ad clon pacarnya. name girl is reiza mutiara

what they doing ?? eerrrrr

and I'll tell you about my love, I am sometimes confused with my heart sometimes I hate to see him but when I was not near him, I felt very lost. when he should have asked "why do you think too much I want to change schools?" I answered "because I love you" but, look! what I do, I replied "because you're the best friend I've got" I'm very sorry. if he knew what I was feeling. I do not want to form the lover but I just wanted to express to him. and I want to know what love is. I've been lying to myself ....
buh-bye . see u next posting